- Grant McConnaughey
v2023.13.1 released! Tweet auto-removal, more Reddit proxy control, and bug fixes!
New Features
Tweet auto-removal
Configure your Tweets and threads to be automatically removed after they are submitted, optionally with a minimum like threshold.
Reddit proxy control
You can now control the country location and type of proxy (residential or mobile) that is used to submit your Reddit posts.
To change the proxies your account uses, head to Settings > IP Proxies.
Note: If you are unfamiliar with IP Proxies then we encourage you to leave the default settings.
Bug Fixes
Fixed redirect URL when connecting a new Twitter account to Postpone.
Fixed an issue where editing Reddit posts with auto-removal set to more than 1,000 minimum karma would fail to save.
Fixed a bug that would occur when looking up a user's browser timezone but none could be found.
Ensure DM automation is never sent to u/welcomebot.